

Ayumu YAMAMOTO | Our Vacation
October 3rd - November 15th, 2020



*English follows Japanese.

Open Letterはこの度、移転後2回目の企画として、10月3日(土)より山本亜由夢さんの個展『我々の休暇』を開催いたします。


本展は、もともと4月開催の予定でしたが、コロナ禍のため10月に延期。その間、展覧会タイトルにある「休暇」という言葉は、期せずして様々な意味を孕むようになりました。また、Go To などの経済政策を巡っての人々の態度や行動、それによる分断など、突然やってきた、これまでとは異なる「休暇(もしくは休日)の過ごし方」に翻弄され続けているように思えます。(少なくとも、私たちはそうでした)




❝ 全体に降り注ぐような優しい光の中なのに、不和の真っ最中で、みたいなことがあると思います。私はよく遭遇します。そしてそれが、耐えられない!と思うのですが、やはりそこには嫌なものだけではなく、複雑な美しさの気配が存在していることに気づきます。

最近は描くときは光だけはなるべく現実の法則を順守しています。光が客観を担保してくれるからです。色は好き放題やります。形は中間くらいでやります。その行き来で画面がより複雑になってくれと願いながら描いています。❞ (山本亜由夢)


スタジオで新作を制作中の山本さん / Yamamoto working on her new works at her studio.


描きためられたドローイング。/ Drawings scattered on the floor.

・会期:2020 年 10 月 3 日(土) – 11 月 15 日(日)
・営業時間:毎週土曜日、日曜日 12:00 – 18:00
・入場料:¥500 ※児童、学生、近隣の方は無料
 (タイトル画像:vacation, 2020, oil on canvas, 1300 × 1620mm )

※ 事前予約枠はすべて埋まっております。ご了承くださいませ。


・1995年 東京都出身
・2020年 武蔵野美術大学大学院修了

・2019年 個展 「親密オブセッション」(コートギャラリー国立、東京)
・2019年 個展 「親愛なる」(ギャラリーFace to Face、東京)
・2018年 二人展「希う食卓」(ギャラリーカフェ3、東京)
・2018年 「武蔵野美術大学卒業制作優秀展」(武蔵野美術大学美術館、東京)
・2017年 「未来展」(日動画廊、東京)


2020年1月に開催された修了展にて。/ At the final exhibition held in January 2020


2020年1月に開催された修了展にて。/ At the final exhibition held in January 2020


2019年の個展「親密オブセッション」(コートギャラリー国立、東京)より / Installation view from her solo exhibition “Intimate Obsession” (2019, Court Gallery Kunitachi, Tokyo)


2019年に参加した、四国・愛媛県大洲市にある民泊施設OZHOUSEが提供するアーティストインレジデンス・プログラム「OZAIR」での滞在制作。/ The artist-in-residence program “OZAIR” offered by OZHOUSE, a private accommodation facility in Ozu City, Ehime Prefecture. (Participated in 2019)

新しいOpen Letterのスペースについて
(リオープンまでの過程は、Instagramの #openletterdiy でご覧になれます)


Open Letter is pleased to announce our second post-relocation project, Ayumu Yamamoto’s solo exhibition, “Our Vacation,” starting October 3 (Sat).

Yamamoto is an up-and-coming painter who has just completed her graduate studies at Musashino Art University. She has been actively participating in projects outside the university since she was a student. Yamamoto’s works were also very prominent in the school’s graduation project exhibition.
In this exhibition, she will present a group of new paintings and drawings.

This exhibition was originally scheduled to be held in April, but was postponed to October due to COVID-19. During that time, the word “vacation” in the title of the exhibition unexpectedly came to have a variety of meanings. In addition, people’s attitudes and actions regarding economic policies such as “Go To”, and the resulting fragmentation, etc., seem to keep us at the mercy of the sudden arrival of a different “way of spending the vacation”. (At least, that’s how it was for us.)

Yamamoto’s theme is “intimacy and discord.” At first glance, the people depicted in the colorful works reminiscent of paradise seem to be enjoying their vacation, but there are disturbing images here and there in the paintings.
These images are not depicted allegorically, but seem to coexist in the chaos of the painting, ebbing and flowing as if to avoid easy meaning for the viewer.

Please come and see Yamamoto’s solo exhibition, where he tries to depict various ambiguities beyond affirmation and denial in a paradisiacal and hedonistic worldview.

Artist Statement
“I think there are times when you are in the midst of discord, even though the whole place is bathed in a gentle light. I encounter it often. And it’s unbearable! I think, “I can’t stand that!” but then I realize that there is not only something unpleasant, but also a hint of complex beauty present.

Recently, when I paint, I try to adhere to the laws of reality as much as possible in terms of light. This is because light guarantees objectivity. I do whatever I want with color. I try to keep the shapes in the middle. I paint hoping that the back and forth between the two will make the picture more complex. ” (Ayumu Yamamoto)

Ayumu Yamamoto “Our Vacation” Exhibition Outline

  • Exhibition Period: October 3 (Sat) – November 15 (Sun), 2020
  • Opening hours: Every Saturday and Sunday 12:00 – 18:00
  • Admission: ¥500 *Children, students, and residents of the neighborhood are free.
     (Title image: vacation, 2020, oil on canvas, 1300 × 1620mm)
  • To prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection and to maintain a constant number of people in the gallery space, advance reservations are required to visit this exhibition.

Artist Profile

  • Born in Tokyo in 1995.
  • Completed graduate studies at Musashino Art University in 2020

Selected exhibitions

  • 2019 Solo Exhibition “Intimate Obsession” (Court Gallery Kunitachi, Tokyo)
  • 2019 Solo Exhibition “Dear”(Gallery Face to Face, Tokyo)
  • 2018 Two-person exhibition “Rare Table”(Gallery Cafe 3, Toky)
  • 2018 “Musashino Art University Graduation Work Excellence Exhibition”,(Musashino Art University Museum, Tokyo)
  • 2017 “Future Exhibition”(Nichido Gallery, Tokyo)

About the new Open Letter space
With the support of many people, the gallery director Yamauchi and the courtyard have renovated a 60-year-old wooden house by DIY. The house has been reopened as an art project house, where exhibition space and living space are loosely connected.
(The process of reopening can be seen on Instagram at #openletterdiy)